Women Lawyers Committee

Women Lawyers Committee

Women in the legal profession face unique challenges. The Women Lawyers Commitee (WLC) of the Grand Traverse Leelanau Antrim Bar Association seeks to advance the interests of women by reducing discrimination and promoting gender equality in the legal profession and in the broader community. You need not be a female lawyer to join WLC, you need only share our interest in supporting gender equality.

WLC offers a professional forum for discussion and education of issues facing local lawyers, provides for social networking among legal professionals, and undertakes community public service projects in our community.

Every year, WLC organizes events and facilitates opportunities for local attorneys to support each other in the practice of law, which includes maintaining a delicate balance between work and everything else.  Examples of our past events include:

  • Monthly "Lean In Circle" Lunch: Inspired by the movement following Sheryl Sandberg’s book, Lean In, these lunches are typically held bi-monthly at noon, with specific dates and locations designated in the calendar beforehand.
  • CLE Programs: Recent topics have included treating a legal practice as a business and technological opportunities for a modern legal practice.
  • Service Projects:  WLC recently partnered with the Women's Resource Center to transform their entry into a welcoming space.
  • Community Events:  WLC sponsors movies and events related to equality and fairness for women and workers.
  • Holiday Dinner: Members gather for a meal and to raise funds and supplies for the local baby pantry or other philanthropic causes.
  • Network Opportunities: Members meet and support each other through social events, which leads to mentoring, referrals, and important and valuable personal connections.
  • Spa Night: Annual event with wine, appetizers and optional salon services, usually the week before TCAPS spring break (mid-March).

To join, or for more information, please contact the administrator at admin@gtlaba.org. 

Women Lawyers Commitee 

Chair:  Nicole Westfall

Treasurer:  Wendy Bailey

Secretary:  Agnes Jury